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colloquial exchange collaborative

welcome to ...

the colloquial exchange collaborative - a partnership of culturally competent facilitators

who believe in the power of dialogue to transform worldviews, experiences,

perspectives and help groups achieve better outcomes.

our purpose


we design and facilitate meaningful engagement experiences to help groups achieve better outcomes

who we are

The colloquial exchange collaborative is a partnership of culturally competent facilitators

who believe in the power of dialogue to transform worldviews, experiences,

perspectives and help groups achieve better outcomes.

group facilitation

We specialize in team retreats, annual meetings, and workshops that engage all participants to generate new ideas, resolve conflict or reach decisions.

Brainstorm Team Meeting
Tug of War

team building

We design and plan fun activity-based, skill-based, and value-based group activities to promote team collaboration, cohesion, and morale.

community engagement

We create safer spaces for focus groups, town halls, and listening circles to help guide meaningful and crucial conversations. 


our work

The Wall of Ideas

get in touch

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